Thursday, November 17, 2011

جـــولــة ســيــاحـيــة ::::::: Tourism Tour

 أفريقيا .... كما لم تشاهدها من قبل

The Africa You Never See

 Mansion in Gabon

 South Africa

 Accra, Ghana

Cape Town, South Africa

cape town again


Réunion Island South Eastern Africa

 Réunion Island South Eastern Africa



Bejaia, Algeria - North Africa

This is where the equator pass thru in Sao Tome Island, West Africa

Road to Lubango, Angola

Housing estate in Accra, Ghana

Cabo Verde, Cape Verde

 Obudu Resort, Nigeria

 Mansion under construction in Nigeria

 Row houses in Nigeria

House in Abuja, Nigeria

  Seychelles Island

Kampala, Uganda

South Africa

Aerial view of Annobon Island, Equitorial Guinea

Presidential Palace, Ghana

Mansion in Trasacco Valley, Accra-Ghana....where the wealthy live

House in Accra-Ghana

President Obama n his African roots

President Obama in his African roots


Tunis, Tunisia

Harare International Airport, Zimbabwe

River Nile in Egypt

Alexandria, Egypt

Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya
Windsor Golf and Country Club with Nairobi skyline in the background

Hilton Hotel, Yaounde-Cameroon

Event being hosted in Ghana
In Ghanaian Tradition a royal is carried by four bearers in a seat as you see in this picture

A hotel in Khartoum, Sudan

The cable cars at the beach in Durban, South Africa

A regular occurrence: a sandstorm over Khartoum, Sudan

Aerial view of Khartoum, Sudan

Mall in South Africa

Canal Walk Mall in Cape Town, South Africa. One of the largest malls in the Southern Hemisphere and one of SA's mega malls. (125 000m2)

Canal Walk Mall in Cape Town, South Africa. One of the largest malls in the Southern Hemisphere and one of SA's mega malls. (125 000m2)

Canal Walk Mall in Cape Town, South Africa. One of the largest malls in the Southern Hemisphere and one of SA's mega malls. (125 000m2)

Cairo - Egypt

Hurghada - Egypt

National Stadium-Dares Salaam in Tanzania with the practice field right outside

Church in Abuja, Nigeria

Mansion in South Africa

Bloukrans Bridge, South Africa

Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Mall in Nairobi, Kenya

More Nairobi

Village Market, Nairobi

Pink Lake, the only one in the world, Senegal

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