Monday, November 28, 2011

Ice Hotel in Quebec City

One of the main attractions of the winter of Quebec (Canada) is the Ice Hotel (Eng. Hotel of Ice, fr. Hotel de Glace) Since the beginning of January to mid-March, he waits for the guests in their rooms made of ice and snow. Guests have to sleep on beds made of ice.For reasons of fragility of the material of which created the Ice Hotel every year it has to be rebuilt. The construction of the hotel area of ​​about three thousand square meters, leaving 15 tons of snow and 500 tons of ice. Construction is a whole month, it involves a few dozen workers. All the furniture of each of the 40 rooms made of ice.
Ice Hotel is amazingly beautiful – carved walls, columns, arches, candelabras and chandeliers are dazzling. In addition to rooms in the hotel has an ice bar, cafe, chapel for weddings, movie theater, skating rink, an art gallery with ice sculptures and a museum dedicated to Inuit culture. There’s even a fireplace, which somehow does not melt.

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